AimBooster News HTML5/Javascript version is here!<p>It took a lot of work, but it's finally here: the HTML5/Javascript rewrite of AimBooster!</p> <p>There are probably still some bugs, because I'm just working on this by myself, in my spare time. Please let me know of any bugs that you encounter in the comments. If something is completely broken, you can still play the previous version at <a href=""></a>. If you still have a working Flash player in 2021 at least.</p> <p>While rewriting, I did make a few improvements here and there. AimBooster now has:</p> <ul> <li><b>A new challenge</b>, that starts slightly easier but ramps up faster.</li> <li>Replays</li> <li>More stats</li> <li>More graphs</li> </ul> <p>Storing the replays and stats might increase the server costs. We'll see.</p> <p>Anyway, have fun with it. And best wishes for 2021!</p>Thu, 31 Dec 2020 23:00:01 GMTThe end of Flash<p>As many of you know, the Flash player will stop being updated on December 31. I'm writing this post to let you know that I'm working on a port of the game to Javascript/HTML5. Since I currently have a full-time job, I have to do this in my free time, so it might not be perfect and have all the same features, but I'll try to make as many of the features work as possible.</p> <p>In other news, <b>Yamu</b> beat the record several times, getting a time of <b>9:27</b>, <b>9:44</b>, and finally <b>10:09</b>:</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>When I release the new update, I might change it so that the difficulty increases faster after 1-2 minutes, because 10 minutes sounds too long to me. What do you guys think of this?</p>Mon, 14 Dec 2020 22:14:55 GMTA few more seconds<p>The previous record of 9:05 has been broken, by only a few seconds this time. <b>Ian Qu</b> takes the record with a time of <b>9:09</b>:</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Getting ever closer and closer to that magical 10 minutes...</p>Sun, 16 Sep 2018 16:32:09 GMTBack and forth<p>The record went back and forth between two previous record holders. First, Primed Arinko took back the record, <a href=""> setting a time of 7:25</a>, and then a few days later <a href="">NeoNinja</a> shattered that record by nearly 2 full minutes, setting a time of 9:05.</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Who will be the first to beat 10 minutes?</p>Sun, 03 Jun 2018 21:15:30 GMTMore world records<p>Another year later, and the world record has been broken again a couple of times. First was <a href="">6:21 by Primed Arinko</a>, and now <a href="">7:14 by Дмитрий Zzz</a> (I think you pronounce this "Dmitry"):</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Congrats to both of you!</p>Fri, 26 Jan 2018 12:39:52 GMTAnother world record<p>It's been more than 2 years since my last post on this site, development has unfortunately been put on hold for now, but I felt like I had to post this. Look at this <i>ridiculous</i> new world record by <a href="">NeoNinja</a>:</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>When I made this challenge I did not anticipate that people would last this long!</p>Fri, 23 Dec 2016 13:43:57 GMTHarder better faster stronger<p>Last time the record was broken by only 3 seconds, so I thought we were getting closer to the limits of what humans can achieve. Well I was wrong, here's another 12 seconds by Tonny Amontee, for a total time of 4:34.</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Just look at the speed and accuracy during the last 30 seconds, holy shit!</p>Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:13:57 GMTAnother month, another world record!<p>It seems like we're setting about one new word record per month. This time it was Damien "Relaaa" Rudaz who managed to add 3 seconds to the previous record, getting an amazing time of 4:22. The really cool thing is he didn't only upload a video of the gameplay, but also a hand-cam video. Check it out:</p> <p><center> <div style="display:inline-block; margin-right: 8px;"> <iframe width="260" height="164" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br> <div style="display:inline-block; margin-top: 8px;"><b>Gameplay</b></div> </div> <div style="display:inline-block;"> <iframe width="260" height="164" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br> <div style="display:inline-block; margin-top: 8px;"><b>Hand cam</b></div> </div> </center></p> <p>Also, I'll start working on AimBooster again soon. Completely coincidentally, during this month, my total number of donations went up by 300%! Big thanks to everyone who donated! All 3 of you! ;)</p>Wed, 22 Oct 2014 14:29:34 GMT4:18 and counting<p>Less than 2 months after the previous record was set, John "BLOCKerator" Igrun crushes it, with a time of 4:18!</p> <p><center> <iframe width="480" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Apparently the key to being really good at AimBooster is a bright green background and an eccentric taste in music ;)</p>Tue, 23 Sep 2014 07:45:53 GMTNew world record: 3:42<p>It appears we have a new world record:</p> <p><center> <iframe width="450" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </center></p> <p>Congratulations <i>Florent "CarryAD" Soler</i>, making it look easy. Can anyone beat it?</p> <p><b>PS:</b> A world record attempt has to be recorded in video format for it to count. It's too easy to fake a screenshot or even just hack the game, and the game runs purely client-side so there is no verification I can do on the server-side.</p> <h2>In other news: more settings!</h2> <ul> <li><a href="vars#target_speed_randomness" class="tt">target_speed_randomness</a>: At 0%, all targets move at the same speed. At 100%, targets can have any speed between 0 and 2x <a href="vars#target_speed" class="tt">target_speed</a>. At anything in between, say x%, targets get a random speed at most x% lower and at most x% higher than <a href="vars#target_speed" class="tt">target_speed</a>. <li><a href="vars#horizontal_speed" class="tt">horizontal_speed</a>: At 100%, targets move only horizontally. At 0%, targets move only vertically. At 50% (the default), targets can move in any direction. </ul>Sun, 10 Aug 2014 13:25:20 GMTDoubleclick, and new autobalance options of the settings, <a href="vars#targets_dont_die" class="tt">targets_dont_die</a> has been replaced by a new setting called <a href="vars#target_hp" class="tt">target_hp</a>. The default setting for <a href="vars#target_hp" class="tt">target_hp</a> is 1, where you have to click once to kill a target. Setting it to -1 makes targets invulnerable, the same as what <a href="vars#targets_dont_die" class="tt">targets_dont_die</a> used to do. But you can also set it to 2 (or higher) so that you have to doubleclick (or tripleclick etc) targets before they die. <br /><br /> A couple of bugs have also been fixed. Thanks Vyacheslav Kosachenko for finding them. <br /><br /> And last but not least, <b>new autobalance options</b>! <ul> <li><a href="vars#max_dist_from_previous" class="tt">max_dist_from_previous</a>: the better you do the further the targets spread apart. <li><a href="vars#target_speed" class="tt">target_speed</a>: the better you do the faster the targets fly. </ul>Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:25:26 GMTCustom graphics
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You may have noticed a new gear button in the top-right corner of most menus, next to the sound and full-screen buttons. Click on that to change all kinds of settings that have no direct effect on gameplay, such as the colors of the targets and background, the sound volume, etc. Because these settings have no effect on gameplay, they apply to <i>all</i> gamemodes, including the challenge.<br /> <br /> Here are a few example targets for inspiration:<br /> <br /> <br /> <center><img src="img/targets_showcase.png"></center><br /> <br /> Any suggestions for more settings to put there are always welcome.
Sat, 02 Aug 2014 11:39:09 GMT
Right click! And a few other things. far the most-requested feature at this point has been to allow clicking with the right mouse button. Before Flash version 11.2 this only possible with Javascript "hacks", and it didn't work in all browsers. But since version 11.2 they made it very easy. So I added it to the game. Right click away!<br /> <br /> I also made some other small improvements: <ul> <li><b>Reorganized the custom settings screen.</b> This allowed me to add some settings that have been requested by some people but that 90% of you probably won't care about. See below. <li><b>You can now type in full screen.</b> Apparently they've made this possible since Flash version 11.3. <li>Some minor bugfixes. </ul> Here are the new settings: <ul> <li><a href="vars#rng_seed" class="tt">rng_seed</a>. If you want the targets to appear in the same positions every time, set this to something else than -1. <li><a href="vars#max_dist_from_previous" class="tt">max_dist_from_previous</a>. How far from the previous target the next target can spawn. Set to -1 for no restrictions. <li><a href="vars#absolute_target_speed" class="tt">absolute_target_speed</a>. If set to "no", bigger targets move faster. If set to "yes", the speed of a target doesn't depend on its size. <li><a href="vars#target_fade_out_effect" class="tt">target_fade_out_effect</a>. If set to "off" the targets won't fade out when <a href="vars#constant_target_size" class="tt">constant_target_size</a> is set to "yes". <li><a href="vars#losing_life_animation" class="tt">losing_life_animation</a>. Set this to "off" if you find the big red or black circle that appears when you lose a life too distracting. <li><a href="vars#blood_effect" class="tt">blood_effect</a>. Set this to "off" if you don't like the disgustingly gory and over-the-top graphic violence that gives AimBooster its R rating. <li><a href="vars#show_target_ghosts" class="tt">show_target_ghosts</a>. Don't like the white indications of where you clicked on the target? Set this to "no". </ul>Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:57:52 GMTSharing custom settings
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Previously, if you made a custom gamemode with custom settings, and you wanted to share those settings between friends or simply between different computers, you had to copy-paste the entire settings file. That's about 30 lines of text, so you had to use PasteBin or email or something like that.<br /> <br /> Now I changed it so you can just share a simple and short URL which is automatically generated every time you edit settings.<br /> <br /> To celebrate, here's some fireworks: <a href=""></a>
Sat, 07 Dec 2013 15:29:29 GMT
Offline play able to play AimBooster offline has been a surprisingly often-requested feature. Well, after reading about and messing with Flash security sandboxes for a while, I think I finally made it possible. Turns out I only needed to change 1 line of code.<br /> <br /> Anyway here's how you play AimBooster offline: <ol> <li>Download <a href=""></a> (right click, save as).</li> <li>Open the downloaded swf file in a browser (drag and drop should work).</li> </ol> That's it.Thu, 05 Dec 2013 13:29:29 GMTSmall update update with some of the features people have been requesting: <ul> <li><b>Auto-pause:</b> The game now automatically pauses after it loses focus for 1.5 seconds. Loading screens and champion selects popping up shouldn't automatically be game-over anymore. <li><b>Saving settings:</b> If you change some settings in a training mode, it will remember those settings so you don't have to enter them again every time. I also added a "reset" for if you want to go back to the default settings. <li><b>Autobalance:</b> I've tweaked the autobalance mode a bit, and I've changed the "retry" button to a "continue" button in the post-game screen so you don't have to start again from 0 after stopping. </ul> If this update caused any bugs or other problems, let me know.Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:02:29 GMTStarCraft survey
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Somebody on the StarCraft subreddit has done a survey about "the mouse control and typing speed of StarCraft 2 players", which included AimBooster, and he/she <a href=''>posted his results here</a> a few hours ago. It included this chart:<br /> <br /> <center><img src=''></center><br /> So, on average, people with better mouse control are more often in the highest leagues? Who'da thunk it?
Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:15:23 GMT
New setting: losing_life_clears_screen
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I added a new setting: <a href="vars#losing_life_clears_screen" class="tt">losing_life_clears_screen</a>. When you set it to "yes", every time you lose a life (like when you misclick in the autobalance mode or letting a target through in the challenge) it clears every target on screen.<br /> <br /> I added it because I felt that sometimes in autobalance you could be doing well and be hitting all your targets and get the difficulty so high that when you start missing, you lose 3 or 4 lives at once. Then the difficulty plummets down again.<br /> <br /> So far I like it, but <b>should I enable it by default in some gamemodes?</b> In autobalanced? Perhaps even in the challenge? I'm not sure...<br /> <br /> Right now you can only activate it in the custom gamemode.
Mon, 21 Oct 2013 18:22:15 GMT
Massive update!
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I had some free time this summer and reworked basically the entire game. Here are some of the major changes:<br /> <ul><li>A new training menu with 9 training modes (3 of them completely new).<br /> <li>A new challenge. The difficulty has changed, but you now have 3 lives.<br /> <li>More stats and graphs in the post-game screen.<br /> <li>A bunch of <a href="vars">new settings</a>.<br /> <li>No ads anymore!<br /> </ul>The biggest change was the addition of the "Autobalance" training mode. It changes the difficulty of the game to match your skill level, so you can always train at a difficulty that's optimal for you. You can find it under Training > Autobalance.<br /> <br /> I also added this blog, a <a href="faq">FAQ page</a> to answer all your (frequently asked) questions, and a <a href="donate">donations page</a> for if you want to help me keep making AimBooster better.<br /> <br /> Enjoy!
Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Test post
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Please ignore
Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:00:00 GMT